Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Memphis Trip

So, our trip to Memphis was so nice, relaxing, and fun! We stayed in a little suite on the Navy base and we visited the Memphis Zoo, which is amazing, had some great BBQ at a famous place called Rendezvoux in the alley, and it's truely in an alley. I was startled when we walked past a guy sleeping on the sidewalk. I forgot that we were downtown. I thought it was a dead body :( We also went to the famous Lorraine Hotel, where Dr. Martin Luther King was murdered. It was so nice to be able to spend time with my hubby, away from all of the everyday stress in life. No work, no video games, no internet, just the three of us. And then when J fell asleep, just the two of us. Well needed break! Here are a few pictures from my p&s camera. I have more on my big camera, but I can tell you it will be a while before I get to those b/c I have two shoots coming up, one tomorrow and one Saturday.

J enjoyed playing hide and seek in the hotel. He's an excellent hider. We searched for hours ;)

The two HUMONGOUS knots on his head are simply mosquito bites...poor guy


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Ange said...

He's getting sooooo big!!!!