J has been feverish, coughing, and feeling weak with no appetite since coming home from Florida. I knew that he possibly caught something that was going around, so I was treating his fever with Motrin. Last night his fever spiked to 101.7 and his cough got worse. I gave him some Motrin and put him in bed with us, with the humidifier on. He coughed and whined all night. We both probably got only 3 hours of sleep last night. I took him to see the Dr today and they said that it's a virus and it has to run its course. She did prescribe him a decongestant and a cough syrup to help him to get some sleep. Also, I got to see his weight which is still 17lbs 10 oz. He hasn't gained much at all, but at least he isn't losing weight anymore :D I can't wait for the virus to pass.
Now about this heat!!! It is 104 degrees here today! What is going on? I really do hope that we get back in the 80s by the end of the month b/c I can't imagine moving in this heat...I can't imagine doing ANYTHING in this heat! Well J is napping, so I'm going to join him b/c we both need the rest. I'll leave you with a picture of J snoozing in the Florida heat :)
Poor Baby! I'll pray for it to pass quickly! Summer viruses are almost worse than winter ones! It just seems so...wrong, doesn't it?
I KNOW...the heat has been insane up here, too! All last week we had a heat index of between 100 and 105, plus high humidity! My poor girls didn't get outside a single time last week!
Hang in and hope you all sleep better tonight!
I pray that he is feeling better soon!
I hope Jayden feels better soon.
This heat has been nasty. We haven't been as hot as you (upper 90's here) but with the humidity it's awful. We are in for a cool spell and I hope you get the cool air too. Especially when you move.
Sorry to hear your baby's sick..hope he feels better soon & that it cools off!
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