Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

This seriously melts my heart. I've been singing this song to J for a while now, trying to help him to not only learn his body parts, but also to try and say them. Tonight, on the way home from Sam's, he was in the backseat babbling and we looked in the back seat and he was pointing to his knees and his feet. He continued to do this once we got home and even after his bath. Then just before bed he ran to the CD player and did it, so I knew what he wanted. I turned on the song and he actually waited for the song to start and did his own sweet little version of Head, shoulders, knees and toes. I love how he does knees and toes! LOL! Sorry he only does it twice and then has to give me a big hug and kiss, but listem closely...

did you hear him say Head??? He tried to say shoulders after that! The caseworker came over today to do paperwork and she agreed that J is delayed in his language skills, but seems to be advanced in everything else. She agrees that there is some sort of feeding issue causing the delay and the frustration he experiences daily...Oh yeah, he gave her a nice little preview of his frustration!! LOL! The caseworker will be back on Tuesday of next week with three therapists and J will be evaulated then for acceptance into the program.

1 comment:

LL said...

So cute! I couldn't get to the video on AT but figured it was posted here.