Wednesday, July 29, 2009

And the bickering continues...

As you know, from my last blog post, my niece and nephews are here for a week. All day long they pick with each other and argue back and forth. Last night, they went to the room to go to bed for the night. I heard the bickering and soon their little voices started to get louder and louder. So I went to the room and asked what was going on. My 9 yr old nephew yelled "SHE WON'T HELP US PRAY!!!"....

HAHAHA!! Oh yes, I have heard it all!


Anonymous said...

Oh my lol

Anonymous said...

HAHA!! Well, what are they supposed to do if they can't pray? :)
I'm just now catching up, but I'm so glad to be reading again! And you guys are wanting to add to the family, too? We'll have to chat about it! :)

Mommy said...

Yep, we do want more kids! We will probably be doing IVF this time around. I'm not sure when, but at least by the end of this year or early next year :)